Sveikas, daiļās! Domāju, ka tumšie loki ap acīm uztrauc gandrīz katru sievieti, kas vēlās vienmēr izskatīties labi un svaigi. Tumšo loku un maisiņu cēloņi mēdz būt dažādi, par šo tēmu lieliski video ir Lisai Eldridge šeit (par maisiņiem ap acīm) un šeit (par tumšiem lokiem). Maisiņi vai tūska manai sejai nav baigi raksturīgi, toties tumšie (precīzāk - sārtie) loki ir permanenti, tāpat kā zilas vēnas, jo man ir ļoti gaiša un plāna āda. Te būs mana acs, kas bildēta labā dienā, kad tumšie loki nav ļoti izteikti, bet vēnas tik un tā labi var redzēt.
Lieta ir tāda, ka man vairs nav 15, bet precīzi divreiz vairāk gadi, tāpēc es meklēju konsīleri, kas ne tikai maskētu problēmas, bet arī nesakrātos sīkās rieviņās. Šodien par pieciem dažādiem konsīleriem dažādās cenu kategorijās.
Benefit Erase Paste tiešām piemīt biezas pastas konsistence un izteikts oranžīgs/laša krāsas tonis (man ir tonis Medium). Ir viens knifiņš - šis konsīleris obligāti jāklāj ar pirkstiem, savādāk tas saies rieviņās un nevienmērīgi klāsies. Taču, ja klāj ar pirkstiem, ar viegliem plikšķiem, tad konsīleris nosedz pat vistumšākos un visszilākos lokus ap acīm. Uzreiz pēc uzklāšanas tas obligāti jāpūderē, lai tas nekur neaizplūstu. Ar plānu pūdera kārtu pa virsu Erase Paste turas ka pielīmēts visu dienu un nekur nepazūd, neizsmērējas un nekrājas rieviņās.
Lieta ir tāda, ka man vairs nav 15, bet precīzi divreiz vairāk gadi, tāpēc es meklēju konsīleri, kas ne tikai maskētu problēmas, bet arī nesakrātos sīkās rieviņās. Šodien par pieciem dažādiem konsīleriem dažādās cenu kategorijās.
Benefit Erase Paste tiešām piemīt biezas pastas konsistence un izteikts oranžīgs/laša krāsas tonis (man ir tonis Medium). Ir viens knifiņš - šis konsīleris obligāti jāklāj ar pirkstiem, savādāk tas saies rieviņās un nevienmērīgi klāsies. Taču, ja klāj ar pirkstiem, ar viegliem plikšķiem, tad konsīleris nosedz pat vistumšākos un visszilākos lokus ap acīm. Uzreiz pēc uzklāšanas tas obligāti jāpūderē, lai tas nekur neaizplūstu. Ar plānu pūdera kārtu pa virsu Erase Paste turas ka pielīmēts visu dienu un nekur nepazūd, neizsmērējas un nekrājas rieviņās.
Diemžēl Benefit kosmētiku Latvijā iegādāties nevar. Ik pa brīdim Benefit var pasūtīt no LookFantastic. Cena ap 30 € par 4.4g (bet ar šādu iepakojumu pietiks vairākiem gadiem).
Budžetam draudzīgs Re-Touche Light Reflecting Concealer no Catrice man ir divos toņos 05 un 10. Interesanti, ka konsistence toņiem ir ļoti atšķirīga, lai gan abi pie manis nonāca vienlaicīgi. 10 Ivory ir biezāks un prasa lielāku piepūli, lai to iztušētu, taču, pateicoties persiku tonim, tad labāk maskē tumšos lokus. Uz acīm abi toņi uzvedas apmēram vienādi - nevainojami izskatās stundas 3-4, pēc tam sāk nedaudz krāties rieviņās un pazust. Var nedaudz pielabot ar pirkstiem, bet smagā artilērija Catrice noteikti nebūs.
Budžetam draudzīgs Re-Touche Light Reflecting Concealer no Catrice man ir divos toņos 05 un 10. Interesanti, ka konsistence toņiem ir ļoti atšķirīga, lai gan abi pie manis nonāca vienlaicīgi. 10 Ivory ir biezāks un prasa lielāku piepūli, lai to iztušētu, taču, pateicoties persiku tonim, tad labāk maskē tumšos lokus. Uz acīm abi toņi uzvedas apmēram vienādi - nevainojami izskatās stundas 3-4, pēc tam sāk nedaudz krāties rieviņās un pazust. Var nedaudz pielabot ar pirkstiem, bet smagā artilērija Catrice noteikti nebūs.
Iegādāties var Drogās. Cena līdz 4 € (precīzi neatceros) par 1.5ml.
Catrice Re-Touche Light Reflecting Concealer (10 Ivory) |
Maybelline Instant Anti Age The Eraser Eye Percect Cover & Concealer ārzemju blogeru un vlogeru izslavēts konsīleris ir patiešām foršs! Tas ir ļoti vieglas konsistences gelveida konsīleris ar ļoti labu pigmentāciju (man ir tonis Light). Jā, nopietnus zilumus pilnībā nenosegs, bet par 80% gan izlabos. Konsīleris viegli klājas gan pateicoties konsistencei, gan pateicoties ērtam sūklīšveidīgam aplikatoram. Uz vakara pusi pavisam nedaudz saiet rieviņās, bet tas ir gandrīz nemanāmi un to var viegli pielabot ar pirkstiem, neizbojājot makijāžu. Gribu paslavēt arī ērtu iepakojumu. Pirmkārt - foršs ir pats sūklītis-aplikators. Otrkārt - viegli dabūt jaunu konsīlera porciju, pagriežot iepakojumu. Treškārt - iepakojums ir caurspīdīgs un var redzēt cik daudz produkts ir atlicis iekšā. Ceturtkārt - ražotājs sola anti age īpašības. Pieckārt - cena arī patīkama.
Rezultāts:Maybelline The Eraser Eye Perfect Concealer (Light) |
Iegādāties var FeelUnique, Latvijā vismaz pagaidām neesmu redzējusi. Cena 11.50 € par 6.8 ml (šobrīd ir atlaides).
Inglot AMC Under Eye Corrective Illuminator ir ļoti vieglas konsistences konsīleris ar labu pigmentāciju (man dzeltenīgs tonis 54). Ļoti viegli iztušējas. Maskē tumšos lokus vairāk pateicoties gaismu atstarojošām īpašībām (nekāda šimmera vai gliteru konsīlerī nav), kas atbilst produkta nosaukumam. Ērts iepakojums ar klikšķa pogu, ko var uzspiest ar vienu roku. Bieži izmantoju arī apsārtumu maskēšanai uz sejas dienās, kad nelietoju tonālo krēmu. Visu dienu uz manas kombinētas/taukainas ādas neiztur, bet stundas 6 noteikti pilda savu pienākumu. Uz vakara pusi var pavisam minimāli sakrāties rieviņās, bet ar pirkstiem to var viegli izlabot.
Inglot AMC Under Eye Corrective Illuminator (54) |
Iegādāties var Inglot veikalos (t.c. Domina un Riga Plaza). Cena ap 18 € par 2.5 ml.
NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer ir vēl viens ārzemju blogeru favorīts. Vienkārši ūber pigmentēts (man tonis Vanilla). Nomaskēs pašu velnu. Vajag pavisam-pavisam nelielu daudzumu, lai pilnībā nosegtu zilumus vai apsārtumus. Iepakojums ar sūklīti galā ir kā lūpu spīdumam. NARS konsīlerim nevajag pūderi, jo tas pats nosēžas un izžūst un nekur nepazudīs līdz to nomazgā. Taču problēma ir tāda, ka tas mēdz izskatīties pārāk sauss un tāpēc vizuāli padara acis vecākas. Tāpēc biežāk izmantoju apsārtumiem vai pumpām. Bet konsīleris kā tāds ir lielisks un noteikti iesaku pamēģināt.
NARS Creamy Radiant Concealer (Vanilla) |
Šādi ir mani pēdējā laika konsīleru favorītu. Kādi konsīleri patīk jums?
kā ar dzeltenajiem maskētājiem - neizskatās dzeltens zem acs ? (dēļ dzeltenā ādas toņa baidos no dzeltenās krāsas briesmīgi)
AtbildētDzēstNē, neizskatās dzeltens :) Tieši zilumu maskēšanai gan vislabāk der persiku toņi.
DzēstŠobrīd man ir Avon Luxe un YSL Touche Eclat konsīleri. Vismīļākais man ir TBS lightening touch, bet no budžeta piedāvājuma man ļoti patīk Essence konsīleris, šos abus pērku atkārtoti.
AtbildētDzēstVit Essence man likās pārāk sauss. Catrice labāks :) TBS un Avon vēl neesmu mēģinājusi. YSL man likās nekāds.
DzēstŠobrīd lietoju Maybelline Fit Me konsīleri. Ārzemju blogos ir labas atsauksmes, bet es vēl savu viedokli neesmu nodefinējusi.
AtbildētDzēstMan ļoti patīk :) Maybelline lietoju visbiežāk.
DzēstKaut kad ļoti sen noskatījos video par tiem maisiņiem zem acīm, būs jāpaskatās un jāatgādina, kas tur bija. Bet nu man laikam kaut kas organiski, jo neviens krēms nepalīdz.
AtbildētDzēstMan mājās mētājas un pūst Maybelline Fit me - galīgi neder, izskatos pēc kūkas un pat gaišā krāsa ir nenormāli tumša. Bet nu es vispār neprotu lietot konsīlerus un nesaprotu tos... :-D
Es domāju, ka tā sāls slēpjas pedējā teikumā :D Bet man jau šķiet, ka maisiņus zem acīm ar konsīleri nenoslēpsi...
DzēstMan bija tas Maybelline Eraser, arī ļoti patika. Pašlaik topā ir MUFE Full Cover, arī zem acīm.. :) Un cenšos piebeigt Garnier Skin Renew konsīleri, citādi jau vecs paliek.
AtbildētDzēstMUFE ir labs?
DzēstMaybelline Eraser arī labprāt izmēģinātu, jo man patīk tādi viegli un galvenais, lai nesaiet rieviņās, kāpēc man bieži vien neder biezāki, kaut arī ar labākām maskējošajām īpašībām :)
AtbildētDzēstJā, Maybelline ir superīgs :)
DzēstNARS konsīleris izskatās ļoti labs! Man no dabas ir tumši loki (neregulārais dienas režīms un vēlā gulētiešana droši vien arī nepalīdz), tāpēc vienmēr meklēju "smago artilēriju". Par labāko no mēģinātajiem atzīstu MAC Pro Longwear konsīleri. Labi sedzošs, bet tāpat kā Nars arī mēdz izskatīties sauss un pūderains, ja uzliek par daudz.
Nars jebkurā gadījumā paliek sauss :( Esmu dzirdejusi, ka UD Naked esot labāks, bet vēl neesmu līdz viņam tikusi :)
DzēstHandmade jewellery are such stunning pieces of jewellery to have in your jewellery box. Handmade jewellery in UK that is made from sterling silver is so versatile and durable and these pieces can be worn with a range of outfits. These intricate pieces of handmade jewellery can be found in a range of different designs and styles. This means you will be able to find handmade jewellery that suits your personality and outfit.
AtbildētDzēstWhen you walk into the London Shop, you will know that you are receiving the most diverse range of handmade jewellery, not to mention other types such as evil eye jewellery, ear cuff collection and other silver jewellery. These collections are continuously renewed to ensure that customers can have a unique experience each time they set foot into our London shop.
The jewellery with which we supply our stores is individually selected and designed using the most precious diamonds, pearls, gems and stones. Each of our handmade jewellery pieces come from fair trade sources.
When people usually come across us, they think we just sell jewellery. Nothing could further from the truth. We don’t just sell jewellery, but we fill gaps. We supply the difference that you have for more diversity in your jewellery collection, and we fill the gap you have to show off your new evil eye jewellery or your silver jewellery. Still, also, we fill a huge gap in the UK market. One for intricate jewellery designs to make for thoughtful gifts or beautiful accessories, all at an affordable price.
We are driven forward by our desire if making your special days even more special. We do this by providing our dazzling handmade jewellery and silver bracelet for women to customers just like you. Our extensive product range includes unique pieces such as rings, bracelets, earrings and ear cuffs in a range of colours. It is this kind of variety in shapes and colours which has made our jewellery collections some of the most widely appreciated in the UK and beyond.
먹튀다이스키는 2010년 5월부터 토토사이트 시장을 경험하며 다년간의 노하우를 보유한먹튀검증 전문 팀입니다. 빠르게 증가하고 있는 토토사이트들에 비해 완벽한 먹튀검증을 진행하고 있는 사이트는 극히 소수입니다. 이러한 현실을 개선해나가기 위하여 먹튀다이스키는 자체적인 먹튀검증 가이드라인을 수립하고 검증을 진행함으로써 회원분들에게 안전한 사이트만을 추천드리고 있습니다. 만약의 사고에 대비하여 100% 보증금 제도에 의하여 운영하고 있습니다. 다이스키가 추천드리는 사이트에서 먹튀 사고를 당하셨을 경우, 언제든지 다이스키 운영진에게 문의를 남겨주시면 피해금액 전액을 보증금을 통해 반환 해드리도록 하겠습니다. 다이스키가 추천하는 사이트들에서 생겨나는 모든 책임은 다이스키측에 있음을 알려드리며 회원분들의 안전한 배팅환경을 제공하기 위해 최선을 다하겠습니다.
AtbildētDzēst실시간 먹튀 검증 커뮤니티 먹튀다이스키입니다. 먹튀다이스키는 15년 이상 검증만을 전문으로 진행해온 먹튀검증 전문팀이 운영하는 커뮤니티로 회원분들의 안전한 배팅 환경 제공을 목적으로 개설된 사이트입니다. 2019년을 기준으로 하루에 20개 이상의 토토사이트가 신규 개설되었으며 이중 75%는 먹튀사이트로 변질되고 있습니다. 그만큼 회원분들은 많은 먹튀 사고에 노출되고 있다고 해도 과언이 아닐 것입니다. 먹튀다이스키의 조사 결과에 따르면 작년 기준 하루 사고 금액이 약 10억원에 달하는 것으로 집계 되었습니다. 더 큰 문제는 이러한 먹튀사이트들이 하나만 존재하는 것이 아니라, 계열로 이루어져 있기에 잠재적으로는 더 많은 피해 사고의 확률이 내재되어 있다는 것입니다. 이러한 정보들을 회원분들이 일일이 알기란 매우 어렵습니다. 먹튀다이스키는 이러한 정보들을 집약하여 직관적으로 회원분들이 알 수 있도록 제공하고 있습니다. 나아가 수집된 정보들을 회원분들에게 투명하게 공개함으로써 더욱 많은 회원분들이 안전한 배팅 환경을 제공받을 수 있도록 지원하고 있습니다.
AtbildētDzēstSuper Singer Voting is a reality TV singing competition in the Tamil language that is sponsored by Asian Paints for the 7th Season. The show is televised in India on Vijay TV, and worldwide through companion broadcasting networks. The show, together with its spin-off versions consisting of Super Singer Junior, are part of Vijay TV’s Super Singer TV series.Winners and finalists of the opposition had been offered probabilities to sing a song in upcoming Tamil movies and other prizes together with sums of money, gold, and estate property. Super Singer Vote Is The Process Through Which Viewers Save Their Favorite Contestant From Getting Eliminate By Doing Super Singer Voting.
Apart from this there is also a kid’s version of this show named super singer junior is also on its way now. It is a singing show for youngsters of age between 6–14. The show invites many kids from all over the nation and rigorous multi-level choice approaches are completed to pick out the contestants for the competition.
C4 Tees was forged in the fires of terrible jokes so bad that you can't help but chuckle. All of our products are designed in-house and printed in the USA. Our team is filled with misfit people-pleasers, so you get legendary customer service, high-quality products, and reasonable prices. Shop for friends, family, and yourself. Everything in our store is optimized to appeal to a wide range of interests and varied sense of humor.
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We want to thank all of our customers and supporters. It’s a great feeling to see our clothing on people out in public. It’s a perfect gift for the loved ones in your life so it sparks a conversation, incites a laugh, or maybe even some stares as others figure out what the design means. So, go out there and show off what you wear to remind other people that they too can upgrade their wardrobe and wear something better.
360Guide was born from passion for action sports, passion for writing and interest in the Internet. We have been snowboarding and surfing for a long time. We also enjoy wakeboarding and mountain biking and actually any sport that gives you adrenaline, soul, lifestyle, puts you outside and connects you with nature. Snowboard Stomp Pad
AtbildētDzēstFrom all the sports mentioned on this website, surfing is our biggest love. Since conditions over here are pretty bad, much more energy and inner fire must be given to the sport. Surfing freezing cold waters, shitty windswells, making our own surfboards and traveling all over the world… all this is behind us and we are looking forward to more of the same.
Snowboarding is our second love… there is nothing more beautiful than powder covered mountains on a crisp bluebird sky morning. And all others are not far behind.
The main goal of this website is to provide people with information on each of these sports. Info on equipment, choosing the right stuff, what matters and what doesn’t. A few words on the history of sport, where do we come from and where are we going. Tips on technique, how to guides for beginners. Basically all the things you wished you knew when you were just starting out and all the important info that will help you make an informed buy of your next surfboard, snowboard or whatever it is that you will be buying. The most important guides, tips and info can be found directly from the drop down menu at the top of the site. For the rest of the articles click on the desired sport in the same menu and a list of all articles related to that sport will be shown. Like at the end of this about us section everything linked to this site is displayed.
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Kids, from the time they are very young, are drawn to animals. Petting Zoos in Houston give you a way to tap into their natural interest while also teaching them valuable social skills. Providing lessons in empathy is a critical part of encouraging the healthy emotional development of your son or daughter in Austin Petting Zoo And getting to know the animals in the zoo gives kids the opportunity to learn to understand and respect the feelings of others as Houston Petting Zoo is the best petting zoo. At Houston Petting Zoo, these lessons can be taken one step further by giving them the chance to regularly engage with animals they might not ordinarily be able to keep at home.
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