Hello gorgeous! Today I gonna share my thoughts of Anna Loraine facial peeling mask. I have mixed skin type with some dry patches on my nose, some enlarged pores, and some oily areas like forehead and chin. I need to exfoliate my skin because otherwise I get blachkeads and spots on T-zone and also foundation tend to emphasize dry areas. I hate to use scrubs because they seem to damage the skin and lead to redness. So I found better alternative to scrubs! There are lot of peeling masks on the market. The idea is that the mask dissolves dead skin cells without damaging healthy skin. Also the skin texture get improved.
Ann Loraine is Israeli brand. You can read some information about it here: http://www.b4you.co.il/products-al.asp
I purchased this mask from OniksBeta shop for 6,67 Ls ~ 13 $ It is available from ebay also. You need to apply the mask on clean skin and rinse off after 2-3 min. This is very quick! So you can use the mask even in the morning.
The mask is very creamy. It contains some very tiny grains but is not abrasive and I did not feel any tingling or other discomfort. Afterwards my skin my skin is very soft and smooth and feels fresh and clean. I think this is a good (and cheaper) alternative to my favorite Dermalogica - gentle cream exfoliant.
Ann Loraine is Israeli brand. You can read some information about it here: http://www.b4you.co.il/products-al.asp
I purchased this mask from OniksBeta shop for 6,67 Ls ~ 13 $ It is available from ebay also. You need to apply the mask on clean skin and rinse off after 2-3 min. This is very quick! So you can use the mask even in the morning.
The mask is very creamy. It contains some very tiny grains but is not abrasive and I did not feel any tingling or other discomfort. Afterwards my skin my skin is very soft and smooth and feels fresh and clean. I think this is a good (and cheaper) alternative to my favorite Dermalogica - gentle cream exfoliant.
man arī ir šī maska, bet es tā arī līdz šim neesmu sapratusi vai man viņa patīk vai nē :)
AtbildētDzēstskaistumadienasgramata, es sākumā biju vīlusies, jo ieraudzīju sastāvā Imidazolidinyl urea (kas ir formaldehīda donors), bet tad mazliet vairāk palasīju par šo reaģentu un nonācu pie secinājuma, ka mūsdienu kosmetoloģijā to lieto dizgan daudz, un pieļaujamās koncentrācijās, tas nav kaitīgs. Bet vispār maska ļoti patīk, jo darbojas un ir ātra :)